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be동사, 115문장으로 끝내기!

by 아기뼝아리 2018. 9. 12.

be동사, 115문장으로 끝내기!


안녕하세요, 꼬꼬공주에요^^

오늘은 영어의 기본중의 기본!

be동사에 대해 다루어 보려고 해요~

다이어리 이미지


먼저 들어가기 전에,

be동사의 뜻을 알려드릴게요.

두 개만 기억하시면 된답니다^^

~이다 와 ~가 있다



be동사 이미지


그러면 지금부터

115문장으로 be동사 끝내기



<발음은 맨 밑에 영상을 올려 두었으니 참고하세요^^>


너/너희들, 우리, 그들, 나, 그, 그녀, 꼬꼬

(You, We, They, I, He, She, Koko)

순서대로 말할게요.


아름다운 이미지


1. 아름다워


You are beautiful.

We are beautiful.

They are beautiful.


I am beautiful.




He is beautiful.

She is beautiful.

It is beautiful.

KoKo is beautiful.


진심이니 이미지


2. 진심이니?


Are you serious?

Are we serious?

Are they serious?

Am I serious?


Is he serious?

Is she serious?

Is KoKo serious?


배고픈 이미지


3. 배고프지 않아.


You are not hungry.

We are not hungry.

They are not hungry.


I am not hungry.


He is not hungry.

She is not hungry.

Koko is not hungry.


잠오는 이미지


4. 피곤하지 않니?


Aren't you tired?

Aren't we tired?

Aren't they tired?

*Aren't I tired?

Isn't he tired?

Isn't she tired?

Isn't Koko tired?


사랑하는 이미지


5. 사랑했어


You were in love.

We were in love.

They were in love.


I was in love.

He was in love.

She was in love.

Koko was in love.


행복한 이미지


6. 행복했니?


Were you happy?

Were we happy?

Were they happy?



Was I happy?

Was he happy?

Was she happy?

Was Koko happy?


나쁘지 않은 이미지


7. 그렇게 나쁘진 않았어.


You were not that bad.

We were not that bad.

They were not that bad.


I was not that bad.

He was not that bad.

She was not that bad.

Koko was not that bad.


슬픈 이미지


8. 슬프지 않았니?


Weren't you sad?

Weren't we sad?

Weren't they sad?


Wasn't I sad?

Wasn't he sad?

Wasn't she sad?

Wasn't it sad?

Wasn't Koko sad?


괜찮을거야 이미지


9. 괜찮을거야.




You will be fine.

We will be fine.

They will be fine.

I will be fine.

He will be fine.

She will be fine.

It will be fine.

KoKo will be fine.


제시간에 오는 이미지


10. 제시간에 올꺼야?


Will you be in time?

Will we be in time?

Will they be in time?

Will I be in time?

Will he be in time?

Will she be in time?

Will Koko be in time?


실망하지 않는 이미지


11. 실망하지 않을거야.


You won't be disappointed.

We won't be disappointed.

They won't be disappointed.

I won't be disappointed.

He won't be disappointed.

She won't be disappointed.

Koko won't be disappointed.


후회하지 않겠니?


12. 후회하지 않겠니?


Won't you be sorry?

Won't we be sorry?

Won't they be sorry?

Won't I be sorry?

Won't he be sorry?

Won't she be sorry?

Won't Koko be sorry?


가본 적 있는 이미지


13. 전에 거기 가본 적 있어.


You have been there before.

We have been there before.

They have been there before.

I have been there before.


He has been there before.

She has been there before.

Koko has been there before.


뉴욕 이미지


14. 뉴욕에 가 본적 있니?


Have you been to New York?

Have we been  to New York?

Have they been  to New York?

Have I been  to New York?




Has he been  to New York?

Has she been  to New York?

Has Koko been  to New York?


승진 안된 이미지


15. 아직 승진 안됐어.


You haven't been promoted yet.

We haven't been promoted yet.

They haven't been promoted yet.

I haven't been promoted yet.


He hasn't been promoted yet.

She hasn't been promoted yet.

Koko hasn't been promoted yet.


아직 못들은 이미지


16. 아직 못들었니?


Haven't you been told?

Haven't we been told?

Haven't they been told?

Haven't I been told?


Hasn't he been told?

Hasn't she been told?

Hasn't Koko been told


자유여행 이미지


왕초보에게 적극 추천해요^^

매일 한번 씩 읽으시면

115문장으로 쉽게 be동사를

끝낼 수 있답니다.

모두들 화이팅!!


발음영상 들으러 가기 클릭

영상 들으러 가기 클릭


